October in Southern Michigan is a special time of year. The Fall colors will soon be at peak, the weather is nearly perfect, and there is always time for a getaway. September was unusually warm so the peak colors are sure to be delayed until late October and quite possibly into November. There is a very big possibility that the entire month of October in Hillsdale County will be outstanding for enjoying daytime temperatures and viewing Mother Nature at work.

Cider mills, hay rides, and corn mazes are part of the daytime fun throughout Southern Michigan. Munro House in Jonesville can be your headquarters for activities and suggested vistas for your romantic weekend getaway. Hike/bike trails are nearby for a ride or a stroll. Horseback riding on a buffalo ranch is exhilarating. Meeting the Amish community can be an interesting experience. Just getting lost on the back roads and finding the gems of the county can be the highlight of the trip.

Some of my favorite spots include a replica of the Statue of Liberty on an island in a pond just North of Montgomery. There is an interesting marker on a dirt road near the spot where Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan meet. There is a copy of an article from USA Today that says that Ray’s Tavern in Reading has the best hamburger in America. Allen is the “Antique Capital of Michigan” and boasts many small shops along with huge malls filled with memories and collectibles.

Local high school football home games are well attended on Friday nights in Jonesville and Hillsdale. College football at Hillsdale College, University of Michigan, and Michigan State are always fun times on Saturday afternoons. MSU’s Hidden Lake Gardens is hundreds of acres of drivable and hikeable paths through a wide variety of plants and foliage. Firekeepers Casino is just an hour away should the weather turns cold or rainy.

My favorite part of Fall are the local events. Halloween Trick or Treating will bring around 700 kids to our front door in Jonesville. We traditionally dress up as hunters at deer camp and spend the evening handing out candy in our underwear. An 81 year tradition is the Hillsdale County Treasure Hunt. Around 100 teams traverse the county using their wits, maps, and tools to win a cash prize on a Saturday night in October. Our team is in it just to finish by midnight. We have fared pretty well in the last few years, arriving in the top 20.

The Munro House has comfortable rooms, modern amenities, and offers big breakfast served 7 days a week in the comfort of the oldest house in Hillsdale County. Packages can include dinners, movies, flowers, chocolates, massages, and more. Just pick a couple of days, and head down to Jonesville for a true getaway to a cool part of Michigan with outstanding restaurants and a lot to see and do. Take the time to get away to this memorable place located between Lansing, Detroit, Toledo, Fort Wayne, and Kalamazoo.

Mike Venturini
“Life is good in Jonesville”