I like a clean, quiet house. Objectives 1 & 2 became teaching the dog to do his business outside, and to not bark in the house. Lori was home the most and has always had more patience, so these became her tasks. After 2 weeks of vigilance and consistence these objectives were accomplished. We ended up with a great pet for life based on constant attention for the first 14 days.
As a young man with a big job and a new wife, I knew this responsibility would put limitations on the kinds of things we could do away from the house, and the amount of time we could be gone. I wasn’t very happy about it and knew that the days of impromptu getaways would be put to a stop out of respect for the proper care of the dog. Every day meant getting up at the same time to take the dog out and feed him. Every lunch hour meant someone had to be home to take the dog out. Every evening meant a consistent supper time and exercise before bed time. We like to travel but don’t really like to kennel our pets. The times that we did, they came back jittery and with a hoarse voice. We resorted to limiting our time away and relying on friends to watch them when we traveled or took them with us.
We have always had Scottish Terriers. We have found them to be very good house pets. We know what to expect from the breed. They have trained well. They match our lifestyle and personality. Over the years, we have had Scotties who have learned different additional tricks. Visitors and guests have always been impressed with their behavior. When a friend sent me the picture of the Scottie Dog cloud, I loved it and had to share it.
Mike Venturini
“Life is good in Jonesville”