Homecoming at Hillsdale College is a pretty big deal around here. The alumni from Hillsdale College come from across the country to attend this annual Fall event. Recent graduates and 50 year alums all converge on Hillsdale Michigan for a well organized annual celebration. The football game is the highlight, but mixers, meals, and meetings provide opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones.

Lodging is at a premium because there are only about 120 hotel/motel/B&B rooms in all of Hillsdale County. The Munro House in Jonesville is only 7 1/2 minutes from campus and provides the most comfortable lodging in the county. Reservations are usually completely booked up 6 weeks in advance. Pre-planning a trip to Hillsdale is a must.
Mike Venturini
“Life is good in Jonesville”