We had a big variety of costumed kids. Many traditional outfits included ninjas, pirates, princesses, super heroes, skeletons, witches, and zombies. Unique characters included a robot, a Smurf and a duck. My favorites were Dr. Octopus, the Mummy, and the Yoopers.
As the number of kids appeared weak–compared to last year–we decided to encourage interaction to earn additional treats and deplete our supply. We set the boombox to play “Gangnam Style” on repeat. Anyone who busted a move in our yard got a handful of candy instead of the regular 2 pieces. With Lori on the sidewalk to set the mood, half the kids were ready to shake it up, while the other opted out of extra candy. We finished the night with around 400 kids who were having a good time despite the weather.
Mike Venturini
“Life is good in Jonesville”