It is New Years Eve. We are hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner Party at the Munro House in Jonesville, and it’s 41 degrees outside. That is just too nice a day to not be able to enjoy because of work, so I took 30 minutes and rode my motorcycle around town. I got a snapshot of me in front of the time and temperature at the bank, in front of the Jonesville Water Tower, at the local gas station, and in the Wal-Mart parking lot. So this is my time capsule of what it was like on this day. The price of gas was reasonable, my town was progressive, the parking lots were full, and the weather was outstanding (for December). Now I’ve got a house full of nice people and everyone is having a good time. Lady Gaga will be on the countdown from Times Square. We’ll pour champagne at midnight and I will have to work on day 1 of 2012. It is all good. Life is good in Jonesville.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”