Six couples joined us for a murder mystery dinner at the Munro House
B&B in Jonesville Michigan. November is traditionally murder mystery month at the Munro House where several weekends are reserved for murder mysteries each year. Each person was an active participant in this interactive event. A role was assigned to each guest by our hostess who tried to match characters with personalities.

These parties are designed to be more of a fun event than a problem solving task. Adults dressing up and acting silly is what these parties are all about. Each guest has a role to play and a script to follow. Each script has 4-8 clues in each of three acts. These clues must be shared during dinner. Additional ad-libbing is encouraged.
A five course meal was served while the game was played. The mystery was solved over dessert. New friendships were made during the course of the evening and judging from the laughter coming from the dining room, everyone had a good time..
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”