One of the best things about running a
bed and breakfast in Michigan is the free time at mid-day. It isn’t every day, but it is most days that we have a 2-4 hour window of opportunity where we can just get out and enjoy the day after the morning work is done and before new guests arrive for check-in. I have had several days like that this week already.

Touring on my Honda GoldWing Motorcycle is my favorite thing to do until the temperatures get into the low 30’s. My wife enjoys rides on nice days like today–60+ degrees. We cruise the back roads, the side streets, and the lakes area. We help to support the Hillsdale County economy by having lunch at a different location and visiting out-of-the-way stores and shops.

The Fall Colors are past peak, but a crisp day with sunshine is a good day to enjoy the great state of Michigan. The myriad of colors from the leaves is gone but the earth tones of the harvest is just beginning. Folks are out raking leaves, farmers are tilling their soil, and families are enjoying outdoor activities before winter arrives.

“Life is good in Jonesville”
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper