We had our first frost of the season in Southern Michigan last night, which usually means that the Fall colors will begin to turn rapidly. It also means that the black walnut trees will begin messing up my yard. Today I filled 2 garbage cans with nuts, leaves, and twigs from the 4 black walnut trees at the
Munro House. There is still enough debris in the yard to fill 2 more cans, but I have none available. This walnut cleanup season usually takes 3-4 weeks.

The black walnuts are the first trees in the neighborhood to lose all of their leaves. The day my walnut trees are completely bare is typically when the rest of the neighborhood is at peak color. So if my method is accurate, peak Fall colors in Southern Michigan will be around October 22 this year. But everything is up to Mother Nature. More frosts, high winds, and rain could cause the peak colors to come earlier, while an Indian Summer could make them come later.

A balmy day like today is a great time to be out raking the yard and enjoying the day. When the work is done, I’d rather be out cruising the back roads of Hillsdale County, the Irish Hills, or the Coldwater Lakes area with my wife on the back of my GoldWing.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”