The Munro House in Jonesville MI is once again participating in the international bed and breakfast event knows as
B&Bs for Vets. This program offer free rooms to veterans at B&Bs across North America on November 10, the day before Veterans Day. The timing of the event gives free lodging to veterans on November 10 which allows the vets to be in town on November 11 for morning services at local shrines traditionally held at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

With many veterans wanting to participate in this event, the Munro House has set up a booking method that alerts facebook friends as rooms become available for 11/10/11. Anyone can become a facebook friend by liking us on our
website or
facebook page. Just find and click on the “like” button. Regular information about the Munro House will periodically appear on your facebook page along with an alert for the release of another B&Bs for Vets free room. Several rooms are yet to be released to Munro House “friends”.

Munro House requires proof of service by requesting a photo of the vet in uniform, or on duty. Vets can then arrive at the Munro House for a complimentary beverage and snack reception from 5:30-7:00 attended by other local vets, before heading into town for dinner, enjoying a night in a comfortable room, and a big breakfast with other vets.
This year’s Veterans Day program in Jonesville will be in the village square at Carl Fast Park just a block from the Munro House. A dedication of the restored G.A.R. memorial is scheduled along with guest speakers and a program by local middle school children.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”