We attended a business meeting at a
Bed and Breakfast in Kalamazoo Michigan. This location was chosen because of its central location to the attendees. The Kalamazoo House is located downtown next to the art museum and had plenty of room for our group. Eight of us overnighted–some with our spouses–and enjoyed the hospitality of the innkeepers, Terry and Laurel.

Our half-day onsite meeting was followed by a meet-and-greet party attended by an additional twenty or so people. There was plenty of room for us to mingle while enjoying pizza and wine. We retired to our spacious rooms where I stayed up late watching Monday Night Football in my room on a flat screen TV while playing Words with Friends and checking my email via free wireless Internet. We slept under luxurious sheets on comfortable mattresses.

Breakfast was chosen from a menu left out the night before. I picked Terry’s Southern Comfort egg dish that included hash browns, scrambled eggs, veggies, sausage, bacon, and cheese in a ramekin with home made jam and toast on the side. Fresh cut fruit was served up front with coffee and a variety of juices. We prepared ourselves for the remaining half-day of meetings and left with a very pleasant memory of our hosts, the meeting place, and their great old house.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”