“Twelve Angry Jurors” is live on stage at the
Sauk Theater in Jonesville, MI through October 24. It is the stage version of the classic movie “12 Angry Men” that was popular in the 1950’s. Twelve diverse characters are on stage for almost the entire production deliberating a murder case. They interact with each other asthe open-and-shut case is questioned by one juror who confronts the other jurors on the validity of the facts of the case that might create reasonable doubt.”

Two more shows on September 23 & 24 at 8 p.m. plus a bonus matinee on Saturday at 2:00. The Sauk is a 250 seat theater in downtown Jonesville celebrating its 50 anniversary.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is
good in Jonesville”