I got up to make breakfast for my 4 scheduled business guests and noticed there were no cars in the parking lot. Unusual because these same 4 people had breakfast together all week at 7:00, they had to be to work by 7:30, and I was expecting the same through Friday.
The breakfast was ready to go and I didn’t hear a sound in the house up to their regular departure time, so I decided to clean their rooms or at least check up on them to make sure they were O.K. The first room I checked was undisturbed from the cleaning I did the day before. All of their luggage was gone. I found the same in the 2nd room–odd. I got to the third (and largest) room and had to pick my jaw up from off the floor. All of the windows were open, and it’s a little early in the season for that. The furniture was rearranged into a semi-circle with 3 empty wine bottles (that appeared to be from my collection) along with 6 crushed beer cans and an empty bottle of Cognac. The Jacuzzi tub was still filled with water and what looked like chocolate cake, Cheerios, and rice. If that wasn’t enough, I then found one of my signature coffee mugs stuffed with cigarette butts and half a cigar–hence the open windows. A Teddy Bear was wedged between a curtain rod and the wall with a note tied around his neck with a shoe string. The note said “We won the Powerball. We quit. We’re outta here!”

I hope you had a better day than I did.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”
P.S. April Fools!!!
Well Done Mike!
– Kevin
I actually got nervous for a moment.. that happens to be the room I have reserved for the weekend…
nice to know you have a sense of humor!