The snow storm of the century hit Hillsdale County Michigan on Sunday night (02/20/2011). Rain turned to freezing rain, then it all froze very quickly, and then 5 inches of heavy snow was added. The combined weight of ice and snow toppled trees and downed power lines around the county until over 11,000 people were without utilities. The Village of Jonesville was very fortunate and maintained power throughout the ordeal. The City of Hillsdale was not so lucky as numerous residents along with the industrial park and 2 hotels were without power. The Munro House was one of the few
lodging facilities in Hillsdale County that could provide shelter. Rural residents, businessmen, and dispatchers checked in on Monday and have been trickling home as the electricity was restored, or their jobs were completed.

A trip around the county found that the continued cold temperatures did not allow the ice to melt. Trees plus power, phone, and cable lines are still experiencing the added weight of ice. Some of them are bowing and straining while others are falling and breaking.
The good news is that power is being restored at a rapid pace. One report said that our county was hit hardest by this storm and 42 municipalities were helping to clear out the debris and get us back to normal. The dispatchers who are staying at the Munro House said that this is not a simple task. Everything has to be done with the number one priority being safety. So if you see workers standing around or sitting in their trucks, they are patiently waiting for the situation to be safe before they head out to complete their task. With electricty, there is a specific order that must be followed to maintain efficiency and safety.
The bad news is that up to 7 inches of new snow is expected overnight. Continued cold temperatures and the additional weight of snow could cause even more problems.

It has been business as usual at the Munro House with all displaced guests enjoying a new home for a few days. Special rates are in effect to help folks afford an unexpected expense. This weekend’s getaway guests will be accommodated as scheduled.
Thanks to Aimee England who shared most of these photos of the Hillsdale County winter storm.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”