Just when we thought we met the most interesting people, some more checked in. This week’s memorable guests were here for a spa day. 3 ladies and their mom came on short notice, had their day, and were having breakfast the following morning when one of the girls asked to use our kitchen to make Turkish Coffee. We agreed, she brought her own coffee service, and prepared a cup of “mud” for each of us. Turkish Coffee is served unfiltered, so the grounds need to settle before it can be drunk. “Mud” settles at the bottom of the cup.

Upon finishing, one of the girls asked her mother to “read a cup”. Vicki was trained in the ancient art of reading coffee cups. She then told my wife, Lori, to turn her cup over onto the saucer and let it sit while the grounds ran down the side of the cup and settled on the saucer. They then told the story of how they fled Iran when the Shah was deposed. The mother has a Russian background through which she learned to read the coffee grounds much like a psychic would read a palm, tea leaves, Tarot Cards, or a crystal ball. After a period of time, she asked Lori to turn the cup back up. The liquid formed a seal and the cup was stuck to the saucer. Vicki said that was a sign that Lori would be kissed.

The cup was released and Vicki began to read the stains on the cup. She told Lori about what was happening in her life and what to expect in the near future. I was the only one at the table who actually knew anything about my wife. Vicki was eerily accurate. Then the saucer was read, and Lori was told to press her finger into the mud residue that was left in the cup. That imprint was read, also.
My cup was then read. The things she told me were spooky-cool. This woman didn’t know me, but she told me things she shouldn’t know. Apparently, the stain patterns left by the coffe grounds can tell a lot about the person. For the reading to be meaningful, or accurate, the coffee is supposed to be sipped while relaxing or in a comtemplative mode.
There are a lot of cool people who spend the night with us and tell their story over breakfast. We never know who will walk through the door, next. We are often amazed by the variety of people, the talent they have, and the tales they tell.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”
Hii Mike…do u happen to know Vicki #………..i would like a coffee reading by her….please n Thanku…my email is ginasaura@aol.com
Sorry, we cannot give out personal information about our guests for privacy reasons. However, I have made contact with her, and if she is interested in doing a reading for you, she will initiate the conversation via your email address.