The worst weather in recent memory in Southern Michigan occurred this past weekend. It snowed from December 10-12. There were only several inches of accumulation, but the wind and the cold forced residents of Hillsdale County to stay indoors and wait it out. The winter storm warning started on Sunday afternoon and remained in effect until Monday at 1:00 p.m. I had high hopes of going to Detroit to see the Packers vs. Lions NFL football game on Sunday or the transplanted Giants vs. Vikings game on Monday. The weather made it an easy decision to stay home.

The snow fell, the wind blew, the temperature dropped, and I shoveled. Under these circumstances, shoveling a path to the vehicles in my parking lot was as much snow that would be moved on this day. The plan became: wait it out, let Mother Nature get over her tantrum, and clean it up later. Schools were already announcing their Monday morning closures a day in advance, so there was no hurry to clear the sidewalk. The storm passed, the walks got shoveled, but the temperature remained the same, c-c-c-cold. Single digit temperatures are tolerable, until the wind blows. That’s when it really feels frigid, and it’s been cold and windy for the past 4 days.

I turned up the gas fireplaces, kept the dogs inside, and spent most of the day watching TV. I went to Wal-Mart in the early evening on Sunday and found that there were more stranded shopping carts in the lot than parked cars. My unofficial count concluded that there were more employees in the store than shoppers on this Sunday night during the Christmas shopping season. When there’s nobody at Wal-Mart, you know there’s something wrong.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”