Lori Venturini has a very nice sewing machine. She went to Trevathan’s Sweep and Sew Shop in Hillsdale and bought a Janome embroidering machine several years ago. She had been doing small projects for herself and for the house on and off since she got the machine. Trevathan’s has regular classes to help people learn how to use their machines. They also have a comfortable classroom where sewers congregate to learn, share tips, and talk. Lori did some logo work on aprons, did some fancy patching and personalizing on linens, and made a few gifts for friends and family since she got the machine.
Recently, her aunt Leona was diagnosed with cancer. Lori had received the same bad news in 2007 and very much appreciated the personal gifts she received from people whose paths she had crossed. She received many gifts from hats to shawls to blankets. These personal gifts helped her get through chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and a double mastectomy. To this day, Lori gets great pleasure from knowing that someone took the time to create something special, just for her. These things were constant reminders that she was never alone in her battle with breast cancer. She feels that it is her duty to help people get through catastrophic events in their lives. Personal gifts have helped her become the optimistic cancer beater that she is today. She hopes that her creations will help to inspire cancer victims and their families to become survivors.

Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”