Owning a Bed and Breakfast in Michigan sounds easy. You provide a bed and you make breakfast–simple. But what to serve for breakfast? There are eggs and sausage and bacon and bread and oatmeal and cereal… right? Then you combine ingredients and follow recipes to create a meal that people will enjoy.
We have found that to most people, a normal breakfast consists of coffee along with toast, or a pop tart, or cereal–that’s it, if they have anything at all. So for most people, any hot breakfast is a real treat.
Dr. Atkins had a world famous low carbohydrate diet that was extremely popular several years ago. His diet was high in protein and low in carbs. To this day, many people still enjoy this diet for breakfast. This creates a problem for many innkeepers, as most of us offer a breakfast loaded with carbs–pancakes, waffles, French toast, etc.
On the morning we prepared a gourmet high protein/high carb breakfast and all 14 guests informed us that they wanted just eggs on their Atkins Diet, was the morning that we decided that we had to have options for breakfast. Never again will I spend 3 hours preparing a breakfast that will be thrown away.

Mike Venturini – Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”