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Many people think about taking a getaway weekend in Michigan and the result is to go where everyone else goes–Mackinac, Traverse City, Saugatuck, or other touristy places. I guess that these folks are getting away from their hectic busy lives in Detroit, or Lansing, or Ann Arbor and replacing it with another hectic busy schedule in Mackinac, Traverse City, Saugatuck, or other touristy places.
I’ve got nothing against these places as a tourist destination. They are what they are. But to truly get away, thousands of people crammed into an otherwise small town located several hours away is not my idea of a restful weekend.
A quieter more relaxed location could be considered. That is where a place like Jonesville comes in. Yes, I am biased, but this small town has a lot to offer.

There are a dozen restaurants on the strip in downtown Jonesville. Fast food, ethnic cuisine, home cooking, and fine dining are among your choices. Two places also have hand dipped or soft serve ice cream. Aside from McDonald’s and Subway, the rest of the choices are privately owned and operated.

Aside from the food and the lodging, our area is best known for antique shopping. Over 1,000 dealers have booths at one of several antique malls just 5 miles away in Allen, the Antique Capital of Michigan. Estate auctions are regularly scheduled throughout the area on various days, and an auction/flea market is set up every weekend at the fairgrounds. There are also over 300 lakes and ponds in Hillsdale County–some with public access, boat launch, and good fishing.
Jonesville is only about an hour from Lansing or Ann Arbor and just 90 minutes from Metro Airport in Detroit. Getting away to this small town will not take much travel time out of your weekend. Then you can spend some quality time in a gem of a small town. You might want to consider experiencing our top-rated massage therapists. Julie, Brandy, and Patricia have been consistently leaving our guests with an amazing experience they thought was only available in resort areas or full time spas.
We offer seasonal packages along with special occasion packages every day of the week. We host regularly scheduled Murder Mystery Dinners and Cooking Parties. Our most popular packages are for romance and can include roses, chocolates, dinners, lunch, massages, movies, and more. All you have to do is pick a day and make the call to us. In one phone conversation, we will set everything up for your tailor-made getaway package.
A true getaway is closer than you think.
Mike Venturini – Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”
“Life is good in Jonesville”