B&Bs have ties to Underground Railroad from Michigan to Florida – MSNBC Article

More than a bed: B&Bs have ties to Underground Railroad – By Tanya Mohn – MSNBC – 02/01/2011 Relive history by staying at More…
More than a bed: B&Bs have ties to Underground Railroad – By Tanya Mohn – MSNBC – 02/01/2011 Relive history by staying at More…
I live in a house in Southern Michigan that was used as an Underground Railroad Station. The original house is a 2 story wood More…
I live in a house in Michigan with a tunnel that was used on the Underground Railroad. Local lore claims that over 400 runaway slaves came here to More…
Martin Luther King (MLK) day is a holiday that is celebrated on Monday January 17 in 2011. MLK day is one of those holidays that banks, the post More…
We have regular tornado watches and an occasional tornado warning, but a devastating tornado has not hit Hillsdale County since the More…
The 4th grade students at Williams Elementary School in Jonesville, Michigan, take an annual field trip to tour the Munro House Bed and More…
The Munro House Bed and Breakfast is a historic home in downtown Jonesville, Michigan, that arranges private tours and shares tales of our More…
We own the Munro House Bed and Breakfast in downtown Jonesville, Michigan. It happens to be the oldest house in Hillsdale County and is said to have More…