Special Discount Pricing for Easter Weekend

Come to Jonesville to celebrate Easter with your family, or just get away for special pricing this weekend only. Easter is on Sunday, April 1, so More…
Come to Jonesville to celebrate Easter with your family, or just get away for special pricing this weekend only. Easter is on Sunday, April 1, so More…
Now that Winter is over, couples are ready for a Spring Getaway. Some folks want to go South to Florida, West to Arizona, or international to Cancun. More…
Peak Fall Colors are running extremely late this year. The middle of October is usually the best time for a color tour. Here we are, approaching the More…
A weekend getaway to the oldest Bed and Breakfast in Southern Michigan that was originally built as a private residence can be found at the More…
While a lot of folks stay home for Easter, many people visit family, and some get away to enjoy the holiday weekend as a romantic couple. When More…
When it’s time for a Spring Getaway in Michigan, the Munro House B&B in Jonesville has plenty of ideas for a short, fun vacation. While More…
The Munro House Bed and Breakfast in Jonesville MI has romantic package ideas to provide Spring getaway choices to Southern Michigan. Choose your More…