Many of our guests at the Munro House Bed & Breakfast in Jonesville, Michigan, spend their liesure time perusing the goods at the many antique shops in our area. Allen, the “antique capital of Michigan”, is just 5 minutes away on U.S. 12 and is the home of several antique malls that are clean, climate controlled, and very well stocked.
Our guest, Leonard, had left for the day to have some fun enjoying his favorite pastime, antique shopping. He came back rather quickly and was very excited. He told us that he had to get online so he could check something out on e-bay. He needed to find the value of a particular style of china.

Soon, Leonard received the call. The seller wanted $75–for the whole set. He rushed to the store with cash in hand. When he arrived, he had to wait in line behind a man who was trying to buy that same Limoges set. The shopkeeper was explaining that he had just confirmed that it was $75 for the set, but it had been promised to a man named Leonard who was due in any minute. That was when Leonard identified himself.
The other fellow casually waited while Leonard completed the transaction. As he was boxing up his treasure, the late-comer offered him $1,300 cash-on-the-spot. Leonard thanked him for the offer but turned him down, explaining that he bought the set for sentimental reasons and had no intention of ever selling it.
We meet the nicest people at our bed and breakfast. Each of them has an interesting story to tell and we are happy to listen and share. My peeps keep my life interesting. That’s why life is good in Jonesville.
Mike Venturini – Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”
“Life is good in Jonesville”