A couple of months ago, a group of ladies called us at the Munro House B&B and enquired about having us host a Murder Mystery Dinner for women only at our house. We agreed and scheduled it for a Saturday night. We added some girls who were not part of the original group and filled the table.
The original 6 ladies ranged in age from about 50 to 80. They wanted to really let their hair hang down and they wanted to have a bawdy theme. It just so happens that we have a murder mystery designed for ‘women only’ that incorporates extreme characters–there is a pole dancer, a centerfold girl, and a biker babe just to name a few.

We judge the success of the event by how much laughter is coming out of the dining room. These ladies were having a really good time. When my buddy called the oldest lady who was playing the part of a phone sex operator and she talked to him seductively over the speaker phone, the table went crazy.
We finished a 5 course meal and discussed who might be the murderess. No one got it right. However, when it was explained who actually did the deed and all of the clues leading up to her guilt were divulged, it became obvious who the killer was. The ladies remarked that they were having so much fun being somebody else, it didn’t really matter who did it. What did matter was that everyone had a good time with good friends while enjoying a good meal.
We host Murder Mystery Dinners all the time. We have held hundreds of them over the past 9 years in Jonesville, Michigan. Most have been on predetermined dates of our choosing and some, like this one, were scheduled on a date chosen by a guest. A date can be reserved with 8 weeks notice and at least 4 players to start. That will give us time to fill the table–we need 8 people to play, 14 maximum players. We always get enough guests to play the game.
Mike Venturini – Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”
“Life is good in Jonesville”
Sounds like a great time for the ladies. Immersing oneself in a full murder mystery at a lodging is so much fun. Glad to know you offer it!
Leigh Clements
The Mystery Maiden
Shot In The Dark Mysteries.com