78th Annual Lewis Emery Family Treasure Hunt – 10/22/2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011 is the date, so grab your friends, family, and your mate!
Meet us at 6:00 p.m. and don’t be late, at the Hillsdale Fairgrounds, we can’t wait!
Meet us at 6:00 p.m. and don’t be late, at the Hillsdale Fairgrounds, we can’t wait!
20 bucks a load, gas up your truck or car, solving clues on this hunt will get you far!
Sign up at Celebrations – 40 E. Bacon – Hillsdale, MI
Late sign up 5:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds the day of hunt.
Your hosts are last year’s winners: Ryan & Monica McNair, Scott & Chelsea Wright, Zack Kast, Jenna Kast, Kelly White, Kenny Tressler, and Laura Lamb.

at the Hillsdale County Fairgrounds and takes teams around Hillsdale
County on a scavenger hunt throughout the night. 10 clues have teams by
the carload traversing Hillsdale County’s public places for an evening
of puzzle solving, clue hunting, and old fashioned fun. Sign up early
because the treasure hunt starts promptly at 6:00 and generally has
around 400 participants.

Many come for the opportunity to spend a fun evening with family and
friends. Some are just in it for the challenge. Winning teams usually
finish the hunt before midnight. Some die-hards have staggered in after
2:00 a.m. Everybody wins with hot food, beverages, and snacks at the final destination.

been helpful in the past: the latest Hillsdale County Chamber of Commerce phone
book, Old Farmer’s Almanac, Hillsdale County map, The Bible–must be
King James version, a full tank of gas, a flashlight, scissors, scotch tape, can opener,
magnifying glass, today’s Hillsdale Daily News, a good navigator and a
smart phone with good reception in rural areas.

Hillsdale County Fairgrounds and is “the most comfortable lodging in
Hillsdale County.” All of our guests will have checked in for the long Parents Weekend at Hillsdale College, so weather permitting, we will participate and finish outside of the top 10, again–just 3 hours behind the winners! In our vehicle, it’s all about having a good time and making it to the final destination.
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast
“Life is good in Jonesville”
Has the date been set for the 2014 Treasure Hunt?
The Treasure Hunt date is usually announced in September and is usually the Saturday before Halloween. However, there are different organizers every year, so the event will be held at their convenience. I'll be blogging about this year's event when I find out about it.