A group of home schooled students arranged for a field trip to Jonesville Michigan. The students, teachers, and parents toured the historic Munro House and Grosvenor House Museum in downtown Jonesville. Jonesville is situated on the old Sauk Trail between Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. Jonesville was a common stop for runaway slaves using the Underground Railroad

Munro House was once used as a station on the underground railroad. The children got to walk through the oldest house in Hillsdale County, enter the tunnel that was used by runaway slaves, and viewed the secret room that was used to hide the runaways. Relating the history of Michigan, the significance of Jonesville’s location, and stories of the early pioneers were welcomed.

The group then walked downtown for lunch in the private dining room at
Saucy Dog.
Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”