My team took on the annual Lewis Emery Treasure Hunt–also known as the Lewis Family Treasure Hunt–around Hillsdale County in 2011 and drove 225 miles while completing the hunt in 8 hours and 15 minutes–all without leaving the county. We did not finish in the top 10, but we did finish. This year’s hunt is tomorrow, Saturday October 20. Our team is in a shambles and new players have been recruited and assembled. Hopefully, we have the right people in place to finish earlier than in the past and have just as much fun.

Tunes are on the playlist, batteries are charged, pencils are sharp, snacks and beverages have been selected, and the knowledge learned from past hunts is in our memory. I will be wearing my Aaron Rodgers Jersey again, but we will not be yelling “DISCOUNT DOUBLE CHECK” like last year. I have selected a new code word to alert our team mates when the clue has been found.

We are ready for a good time. See you at the hunt? It begins at the Hillsdale County Fairgrounds at 6:00 PM. You can still sign up tomorrow at Celebrations Unlimited 10:00-1:00 or at the Fairgrounds at 5:00. Just look for the mob.
Mike Venturini
“Life is good in Jonesville”